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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Notes from the Catman: Sabrina - Chapter 4: Your Turn + Saturday update

Well, another Saturday passed, and Sabrina is still at the Ark. That's OK for now: we'll find her a home soon and as long as she's there I won't miss her.

But Chapter 4 in her life is up to someone else. We've helped as much as we can, now we have to wait. Sabrina has used up one or two (maybe three or four!) of her nine lives, but I'm pretty sure her future is bright. Someone out there needs a friend like her. And when the find each other, Sabrina and her person will live happily ever after.

Saturday news - Wee Willie was adopted, and so was Laser (not pictured) and Zeno.

We had a kitty come back. Her name is Phoebe (below), and she was in sad shape. It will be a while before we get her back to 100%, but when we do she'll forget her bad experience and be a great addition to someone's house. I'll talk more about her and something called flea bite dermatitis in the coming days.

Have a great week and come see us soon!
