I'll talk about a number of things here, but tonight I want you to meet Sabrina. Here she is:
Sabrina is a small tuxedo patterned Manx kitty. That means she was born without a full tail. (There are a few breeds without tails, but the most popular is called Manx. She's not a pure bred Manx, but we'll call her a one just for fun.)
She came to us with 5 little babies. They were just a few days old, and she tried hard to raise the little ones. But after a short time, we realized she was sick, so we took her and her babies to the emergency vet.
Sabrina had calici. This is a virus also known as cat flu, and like human flu it can range from annoying to deadly. Sabrina's case was close to fatal for her, and sadly, two of her little ones didn't make it.
(Calici is easily prevented and is part of the shot series every kitten gets when they go to the vet for the first time. Sabrina was not that fortunate, so she got sick.)
Sabrina is now fine, and she's still looking for her home. Tomorrow I'll tell you a little about her kittens and her personality. But for now I'll leave you with a link to her video.